In the summer of 2019, stepping out of my familiar comfort zone I got on a plane, going somewhere other than a family vacation. I was flying 1000 miles to join women I had never meet for a Color Your Soul retreat I went in search of clarity and a deeper connection with God. I went asking. I went knocking. I received answers and open doors. One answer was the gift of a Worship Walk.
Although I had been walking as a form of exercise for years this walk was different. This walk was time set aside to walk and talk with God.
Here are three parts I love about the Worship Walk.
1. It is a physical act of your temple.
Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Walking is a physical act of the body and can be offered up as worship.
2. Walking is on autopilot.
We know how to walk and have been walking for years. It does not take a conscious effort on our part. This means it is not an act that requires our thoughts or concentration, leaving room for the focus on God.
3. It feels good.
We are created to move and walking is a basic form of movement we all can master. Although walking may seem basic it is actually an excellent source of exercise. Exercise releases not only endorphins which are one of the neurotransmitters released when you exercise. But, physical activity also stimulates the release of dopamine and serotonin. All of these help to regulate your mood and were a part of your Creator’s design for your mental and physical health.
If you are new to the habit of walking I suggest starting with a short 15-minute walk and building up from there to 30 minutes and if your schedule can permit an hour. I put together a playlist on Spotify or you to enjoy on the 30 minute Worship Walk.
Let me know what you think. What songs are on your Worship Walk Playlist? Comment or email me your suggestions.